Early Learning


Koalas Room, 0-1 Years.

In the Koala’s Room educators will provide children with consistent emotional support to develop and grow in the first year of their life. Babies are born ready to learn, and their brains develop through use. Stimulating and caring environments with lots of different activities give children plenty of ways to play, develop and learn and lots of chances to practice what they are learning. Play is a great relationship builder; it helps the child learn about who they are and the world around them. Our educators will strive to create loving and nurturing bonds with all children in their care and ensure individual needs and routines are met.

We will ensure we respect each child’s home routine including sleep, bottles and meal times and ensure a smooth transition between the home and care environments.  We aim to build strong partnerships with families through ongoing communication. We will use a range of methods to communicate including conversations, phone calls and our online child portfolio program Storypark. Educators will record all information relating to sleep, feeding and toileting, so that families can be accurately informed of their child’s routine for the day.


Possums Room, 1-2 Years.

In the Possum’s room the children are developing their independence, exploring the world around them and are keen to be involved in everything. Educators will support all children’s interests and needs and create a learning environment to promote their curiosity, enthusiasm, independence and developmental growth. The environment will provide children with the opportunity to move throughout the indoor and outdoor environment to explore all aspects the environments have to offer. Educators knowledge of individual children is crucial to providing an environment and experiences that will optimize children’s learning.

Our educators will strive to create loving and nurturing bonds with all children in their care and ensure individual needs and routines are met. We will ensure we respect each child’s home routine including sleep, bottles and meal times and ensure a smooth transition between the home and care environments.  We aim to build strong partnerships with families through ongoing communication. We will use a range of methods to communicate including conversations, phone calls and our online child portfolio program Storypark.  Educators will record all information relating to sleep, feeding and toileting, so that families can be accurately informed of their child’s routine for the day.


Joeys Room, 2-3 Years.

In the Joeys room the children are learning how to develop social relationships, interact with others and using play to investigate, imagine and explore their ideas. They are becoming effective communicators and developing an understanding of how language is used to convey messages and express feelings. Educators will encourage children to initiate play with others, make positive choices and begin to manage their own behaviour through the use of communication. Educators will support children’s emotional development by being available to children at all times and acknowledging their feelings.

We aim to build strong partnerships with families through ongoing communication. We will use a range of methods to communicate including conversations, phone calls and our online child portfolio program Storypark.  Educators will record all information relating to sleep, feeding and toileting, so that families can be accurately informed of their child’s routine for the day.


Bilbies, 3-4 Years.

In the Bilbies room we strive to create a warm, welcoming and stimulating environment for all children. The Bilbies room offers a flexible routine, allowing the children to transition smoothly throughout the day. Routines will provide children with opportunities to learn about health and safety and how good nutrition is essential to healthy living and enables children to be active participants in play. Educators will provide children with the opportunity for structured and unstructured play, incorporating intentional teaching and child- initiated learning experiences. Children develop understandings of themselves and their world through active, hands-on investigation, which is why we believe play is an essential part of children’s learning and development. Educators will support children in the Bilbies room to strengthen their independence through making choices and developing self-help skills.

They will be encouraged to share and contribute ideas, self- regulate their own behaviour through the use of communication and negotiating skills. Educators will encourage and support children to use their language to convey messages, share ideas and continue develop the correct pronunciation of words. We aim to build strong partnerships with families through ongoing communication. We will use a range of methods to communicate including conversations, phone calls and our online child portfolio program Storypark. Educators will record all information relating to sleep, feeding and toileting, so that families can be accurately informed of their child’s routine for the day.


Kookaburras, 4-5 Years.

In the Kookaburra room the preschool program is delivered by an experienced Bachelor of Early Childhood qualified Teacher. We aim to provide children with a play -based program, that encourages and supports their learning and development in the year before school. Learning experiences will focus on developing and understanding numeracy and literacy skills, language and communication, self- help skills, problem solving and independence. The children will have the opportunity to explore, learn and connect with each other and the world around them. In a supportive learning environment, children who are confident and involved learners are increasingly able to take responsibility for their own learning, personal regulation and contribution to social environments.

Throughout the preschool year, educators will follow children’s needs and interests in their learning, while ensuring opportunities are available to develop necessary skills to be prepared for the first year of schooling. During the month of November the children will be involved in ‘Lunch Box Week’ where they will bring a lunch box from home and ‘school lunch box meals’ will be provided for them throughout the day. This experience will allow children to develop their self help and regulation skills, in learning how to open and unwrap food products, save food for later meal times, open and close lunch box and to take care of their belongings. It will introduce children into what the expectations are in Kindergarten and provide them with the necessary skills to succeed.